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How to change blogspot Address ??

So if you have a blog in blogspot domain and have an address that is not much related to the topics you write, you can change it always from the blogger dashboard. There is no restriction from blogger about the number of times you can change the URL of your blog. So if you think the blog address is not an easily recognizable one or the blog address does not tell the real niche of the blog, you have the full freedom to change the blog address. The point we should remember is this facility depends on the availability of blog URLs. It means if the address you are seeking for is already taken, you cannot use that address for your blog.

Steps to Change Blogger Blog Address
  1. Log in to Blogger account

  2. Click on Settings

  3. Under basic settings you can see an edit button near blog address.
    how to change the address of a blogger blog

  4. Click edit and change the current blog name with the new name. Click on Save after completing the process.
  5. You have done. :) 
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Download Facebook album with one click

    Now you can download your Facebook friend's Any album's all photographs with one click . isn't it Great Idea????  Just go to this apps  facebook2zip   

 Step1: the picture above you'll soon be asked to login with Facebook app on the go
 Step2: Now you'd like to download the photo album from your friend in the picture above you can see an arrow pointing to the 2 Choose
Step3: Now select the album you want to download any
Step4: Just click the Download button and the position you want to save the photo album.

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    How to remove Temp file from your computer??

    Hi budys today I'm going to post "How to delete temp file from your computer" and make your computer fast. This is a fantastic tutorial for my main articles where most of the time we provide steps like remove the temp files other not necessaries files, cache, prefect etc as a part of troubleshooting procedure in our comouter . In order to avoid writing the same steps again and again in every guides, I prefer to write a detailed guide on removal of temporary files and cache files from Windows computer. Please note that many recommends to delete the below listed files in safe mode for the perfect completion of the task but we can do the same in normal mode too.

    How to Clear Temp files in Windows 7 Computer

    In order to clear temporary files in Windows 7 computer follow the simple steps below with me .

    1. Click on Windows Start button

    2. Click on Run or Press (Widows key+r)

    3. Type temp on Run and press enter

    4. Delete all files listed on there

    5. Now Again type %temp% on Run and press enter

    6. Delete files listed here too

    Please note that the files currently under use cannot be deleted and may show an error this

    check mark ther ( do this for all current items) after check mark click Skip button

    Empty Prefect Folder

    Prefetch folder contain files which tell how the software installed in your computer works. Normally you do not need to delete files in this folder. In case if you want to delete files in prefect folder follow the steps below.

    1. Click on Windows Start

    2. Click on Run or Press (Widows key+r)

    3. Type prefetch and press Enter

    4. Delete the files

    You have done it help you to run smoothly your computer.
    also check this.
    Windows 7 Themes download Free
    Happy Bloging !! :)
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    Sight Free Blogger Template

    Hello to all reader of this Blog, today I'm going to give you a Supperb Facntastic Blogger Free template Which designed by       

    Template name - Sight
    Plate form         - Blogger/ Blogspot
    Release date     - June 2012
    Authore            - Soratemplate
    Designer            - Presslayer

    Template features : Blogging,Resoinsive,Pinterest, Clean Featured content slider, fixed widh, dropdown menu, socil widget.

    Live Demo | Download 

    Download Link Coming soon

    Click the button to know source.
    Happy Bloging !! :)

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    Facebook tricks" Update blank Facebook Status"

    Hi Friends , today I'm Going to posy one of funny Facebook tricks. This is not a new trick this is a one of old trick but you are new user of Facebook then this trick make you small smile on your face . It is very simple to use.

    Just follow step by step

     Click on status bar and also Comment Box
     Hold on "Alt" key and type 0173 [ Alt+0173]
     Now leave hold and press Enter Key 
     That's you are done 

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    Finding the gadget ID

    How to find the id-code for any gadget

    "gadget", "widget", and even "page-element" all mean the same thing.  I generally use "gadget", because the Page Elements tab currently says "Add a Gadget".  But they're absolutely the same.

    Add the gadget to your blog in the usual way.

    Edit it again, but don't make any changes to it.

    Maximise the window, so you can see the very end of the address bar in the window - at the top of the screen.

    Notice the word at the very end of the address, ending in a number.   This is the Gadget-id.

    In this example, it's Text1,   Other possible values are HTML1, Attribution1, Followers1, etc.

    Picture of the widget-settings window, showing the widget-id in the browser address bar at the end of the address

    What does the number mean?

    The digits at the end of the widget-id show to the number of times that a gadget of this type has been added to the blog:  in a complicated situtation, with lots of gadgets of the same type, it can get into double, or even treble-figures.)

    "Aadha Bato" By Krishna dharabasi

    "Aadha Bato " Novel is a popular Nepali Novel which written by Krishna Dharabasi . This Novel Aadha Bato is the autobiography Novel which defined life of the Novelist Krishna Dharabasi . The Novel converted on Audio by a popular radio program "Shrutisanbeg" RJ Achyut ghimire Hosted from Ujyalo 90 Network Kathmandu Nepal..

    Let listen on Online here all parts attach here .


    PART-16 (An Interview with Krishna dharabasi)

    Download Aadha Bato

    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 1
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 2
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 3
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 4
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 5
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 6
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 7
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 8
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 9
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 10
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 11
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 12
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 13
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 14
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 15
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 16(An Interview with Krishna Dharabasi)
    Download Aadha Bato by Krishna Dharabasi Part 17

    Happy Bloging !! :)

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    Liston for more Nepali Novel and translated novel Visit  Nepali Novel  And for English Novel Visit English Novel
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    Don't be loser

    आज SLC को नतिजा प्रकाशित भएको छ २०६९ साल को आधा भन्दा बढी परीक्षार्थी असफल भएका छन् । सबै बर्ष झैँ यसपालिको नतिजा पनि सफल रहन सकेनन् । २०६९ चैत्र पहिलो साता मा भएको पतिक्षा मा ५ लाख ४७ हजार १ सय ६५ जना सहभागी भएका थिए। जसमा ४ लाख ७३ हजार ९७ जना नियमित तर्फ र  १ लाख् १७ हजार ६८ जना एक्जेम्तेड तर्फ थिए । जस मा ४१.५७% मात्रै उतिर्ण भएको परिक्षा नियन्त्रण कार्यालय सानोठिमी ले जनाएको छ । हाम्रो नेपाल मा SLC लाइ Iron गेट को रुप मा लीने गरिन्छ तेसैले त एकैचोटी पास गरिएन भने कयौ बिद्यार्थी भाइ बहिनीहरुले पढाई छाड्ने, दु:ख मनि ज्यान दिने जस्ता घटना आइरहन्छ हर बर्ष । जति पनि परिक्षा दिएका परीक्षार्थी छन् लाई यो Post देखाउन चाहन्छु ।
    दुनिया मा कयौ ठुला व्यक्तिहरु छन् जो पढाई मा कोहि पनि माहिर थिएनन् ...
    तेसै भन्छन् त Bill Getes...

    "I am not a university topper, But today all university toppers are my employees"

    तेस्तै पढाई मा कम्जोर प्रतिष्ठित केहि व्यक्तिहरु लाई यहाँ समेट्ने प्रयास गरेको छु ।
    - संसारमा सबैभन्दा धेरै आविष्कार गरेर नाम कमाउन सफल थोमस एल्भा एडिसनलाई १२ वर्षको उमेरमा स्कूलबाट निकाला गरिएको थियो ।
    - अल्बर्ट आइन्स्टाइनलाई मन्दबुद्धिको केटो भनी स्कुलमा हेला गरिए उनी कलेजको प्रवेश परिक्षामा असफल भएका थिए ।
    - विलियम शेक्सपीयर कक्षा ५ मा दुई पटक फेल भएका थिए ।
    - रविन्द्रनाथ ठाकुर म्याट्रिकुलेसन (SLC) मा सात पटक फेल भएका थिए ।
    - महात्मा गान्धी म्याट्रिकुलेसन मा तेश्रो डिभिजनमा पास भएका थिए ।
    - विन्स्टन चर्चिल कक्षा ६ मा फेल भएका थिए ।
    - लियो टाल्सटाय कलेजबाट भागेका थिए ।
    - ब्रुस लीले पनि पढाइलाई चटक्कै छोडेका थिए ।
    - जोन डी रकेफेलर निरक्षर थिए ।
    - म्याक्सिम गोर्की कहिल्यै विद्यालय गएनन् ।
    - माइकल फराडे, विल गेट्स, स्टेफन स्पेल बर्ग, पिटर जेनिग्स, स्टिभ जब्स, हेरी एस ट्रुमन आदि कलेज नै गएका थिएनन् ।
    - २०% अमेरिकी अर्बपतीहरू कलेज नै नगएको तथ्याकं मा देखिएको छ ।

    ल भन्नुस तपाई किन दु:ख मान्नु हुन्छ??? 
    तपाई को जिन्दगि को निर्णय ३ घण्टा को परिक्षा ले गर्न सक्दैन तेसैले धैर्य राख्नुस् अघि बढ्दै जानुस । मेरो कन्सेप्ट को तर्फ बाट उतिर्ण हुन सफल सम्पूर्ण मा हार्दिक बधाई तथा उच्च शिक्षा सफल को लागि कामना गर्दछौं ।
    साथै यो पनि सफल हुन नसक्नु भएका सम्पूर्ण भाई बहिनि हरुमा आगामी आउने अर्को साल राम्रो संग पढेर उतिर्ण हुनुहुन्छ भन्ने आशा लिएको छु ।

    धन्देबाद !!!!

    Happy Blogging!!