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९० लाख मानिस मारेको प्रथम विश्वयुद्धको नदेखिएका तस्बिरहरु

first world warप्रथम विश्व युद्ध सिद्धिएको एक शताब्दि बितिसकेको छ । सन् १९१४ देखि १९१८ को बिचमा युरोपमा भएको यो युद्ध दुई विरोधी सैन्य गठबन्धनको बिचमा भएको थियो । युद्धमा एकतर्फ अमेरिका, रुस र फ्रान्स थियो भने अर्कोतर्फ जर्मनी, अष्ट्रिया, हंगेरी र इटाली थियो । यद्यपी अटोमन एम्पाएरदेखि बुल्गेरिया र जापानसम्म युद्धमा सम्मिलित थिए ।

इतिहासको यो ठूलो युद्धमा ६ करोड युरोपियन लगायत सात करोड सैनिकहरुले भाग लिएका थिए । यो युद्धमा ९० लाख मानिसहरुको ज्यान गएको थियो । सन् १९१४ जुन २८ मा अष्ट्रियाको सिंहासनको उत्तराधिकारी आर्चड्युक फ्रान्ज फर्डिनेन्ड र उनकी श्रीमतीको हत्या नै यो युद्धको मूल कारण बनेको बताइएको छ । यसको ठीक एक महिना पछि अष्ट्रियाले सर्बियाको बिरुद्ध युद्धको घोषणा गरेको थियो ।
रुस, फ्रान्स र ब्रिटेनले सर्बियाको मद्दत गरेका थिए भने जर्मनीले अष्ट्रियाको साथ दिएको थियो ।

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Being Bhairab

Being Bhairab Facebook Cover Photo for You all ... :)

Download original Image from here 

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How to Increase Alexa Rank for Your Website, Blog?

Hello friends today we are sharing with you "How to increase Alexa Rank for your Website, Blog?"
Now days alexa has become a hot topic that how we can increase alexa traffic for a website or blog. My clients are also asking me what is the alexa rank of their website most of them are believing that alexa is ranking.

What is Alexa Rank? is a web "information company". Alexa Estimates Alexa Rank of every websites and blog based on their traffic and some other factors like visitors and backlinks. alexa rank gets update on daily bases.

Factors Which Estimates Alexa Rank
  • No. of Pages Visited
  • No. of Pages Viewed by user after visiting your site.
  • Site Performance- Maintenance, Reduce 404 Pages errors
  • Social Reach and RSS Syndication

Factors which increase your Alexa Rank
  • Install Alexa Toolbar: Install the alexa toolbar on your browsers ( Chrome Or Mozilla Firefox ). Try to visit your site from that installed browser.
  • Claim your site or blog: To gain traffic over your site.Claim your site on will help alexa to know who owns the site and helps you in ranking better on Alexa.
  •  Put Alexa Raking Widget:  Put alexa ranking widget on your website or blog.
Get more information on Alexa rankings at this link
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Free Audio Story (यसरि हामि जन्म्यौ माटो बाट ) Translated Story

"Shrutisambeg" is a No.1 popular Audio Nepali Novel & Story Program on radio programs, which Hosted From UNN ( Ujyalo Nintey Network ) With RJ. Achyut Ghimire .
This story (यसरि हामि जन्म्यौ माटो बाट ) is a translated story which translated by Ramchandra KC .

Program         - ShrutiSambeg (Story)
Handled by     - Achyut Ghimire , Dinesh niraulaa
Hosted from   - Ujyalo 90 Netwrk
Story               -  यसरि हामी माटो बाट जन्म्यौ by Eserel alet
Date                - 2014-05-09 

Now Listen & download "Shritisambeg (Story)" Program on Online . 
Shrutisambeg ( Story) - 2014-05-09 Friday.

For any queries Contact these address below
Ujyalo 90 Network
Program - ShritiSambeg 

Happy Bloging !! :)
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How to submit site to Google, Yahoo, Bing

The first step to getting your site online and to get better rankings in Google is to submit your URL to search engines. An example of an URL is Eventually the search engines will find your site but this will help expedite the process.
Once you submit your URL, it could take several days, weeks, or months for the search engines to index your page(s). Results may vary so don’t write this in stone. Factors such as other websites pointing to your site can affect this time as well.

1. Go to the following link:
2. Sign in to your Google account (i.e. Gmail)
3. Type in your URL, example:
4. Enter the captcha text shown in the box
5. Select “Add URL”

1. Go to the following link:
2. Type in your URL, example:
3. Enter the captcha text shown in the box
4. Select “Submit URL”

1. Go to the following link:
2. Click on “Submit Your Site for Free”
3. You will be redirected to Bing. Follow the on-screen instructions for submitting your URL.

Thank You Enjoy with your site Traffic !!
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