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How to Show Blogger Widgets in HomePage Only

Hello to every one, 
This post explains how to show the Blogger widgets( like links,ads,etc) on your blogspot blog Homepage Only.

Usually, by default.. when we add a widget item like link units, profile, Archives, ads,Pictures,etc in Blogger blog , it will be displayed in every page of the blog including the homepage, Permalink pages,etc. As you can see, I installed "awesome instrumental" wedge on my blog which will be displayed only home pages of the blog.
 If you want to do so, this tip will come help you simple to do this...


Show gadget only HOMEPAGE in Blogger:

→Log in to your dashboard--> layout--> Page Elements

→Click on add a Gadget on the sidebar of the sidebar. select the type of fadget you need and save the changes. Now you can see it top of the sidebar.

For example I add a HTML/Javascript (1st→ 'awesome instrument') gadget to my sidebar  

blogging tips

→ Now go to Edit HTML. Scroll down to where you see like this ... for find the your wedge Name see here

blogging tips

→ Copy the name of the first Gadget. (In my case it is HTML2)
→ Now click on "Edit HTML" and find the your Gadget Code {like>> HTML2}

 Copy and paste <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'> and </b:if>
Exactly at the same place as shown in the Image below,
blogging tips

→ Now save your Template and you are done. 
give one smile :)