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Unko Samjhana By Durga Ghimire

nepali novel
"Unko samjhana" Novel is a Popular Novel which written by "Durga Ghimire" .  This Novel changed in Audio Format  by a popular Radio Program " Shrutisambeg"  hosted from Radio UNN (Ujyalo 90 Network).
 Now Liston and Download All Episode This Novel in audio.

  • Program description
  • Program Name       :  Shrutisambeg
    Hosted from           :  Ujyaalo 90 Network
    RJ                          : Achyut Ghimire

  • Book description
  • Book Title              :  Unko Samjhana(Nepali Novel)
    Author                    :  Durga Ghimere
    Publisher                 :  -------
    Language                 : Nepali

    Episode 1

    Episode 2 

    Episode 3 

    Note:- For the Download >> Right Click on Download link >> click on "Save link As..."

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    Image Source: Google image  + Edited
    Download Permitted by RJ Achyut Ghimire
    Audio Link and Download link Source:

    यस्ता छन् पुरस्कार विजेता फोटोहरु

    फोटो अफ द इयर– आफ्नै पति र सासूद्वारा जलाइएकी बाँकेकी रिहाना शेखको यो फोटो विजय गजमेरले खिचेका हुन्। गजमेरले फोटो स्टोरीको पुरस्कारसमेत जिते।फोटो अफ द इयर– आफ्नै पति र सासूद्वारा जलाइएकी बाँकेकी रिहाना शेखको यो फोटो विजय गजमेरले खिचेका हुन्। गजमेरले फोटो स्टोरीको पुरस्कारसमेत जिते।
    काठमाडौं– फोटो पत्रकार क्लबले वर्सेनि गर्ने फोटो प्रतियोगितामा यस वर्ष फोटो अफ द इयरको अवार्ड नागरिककर्मी विजय गजमेरले जितेका छन्।
    विभिन्न सात विधामा प्रथम, द्वितीय र तृतीय गरी तीन तीन फोटोले पुरस्कार पाएका छन्। पुरस्कार जित्ने फोटोहरु यस्ता छन् –
    नेपाल स्माइल
    First Nepal Smiles
    प्रथम भएको दीपेश श्रेष्ठको फोटो
    Second Nepal Smiles
    दोस्रो भएको विजय गजमेरको फोटो
    Third Nepal Smiles
    तेस्रो भएको भरत गुरुङको फोटो
    डेली लाइफ
    First Daily life
    प्रथम भएको शैलेन्द्र खरेलको फोटो
    Second Daily life
    दोस्रो भएको नभेष चित्रकारको फोटो
    Third Daily life
    तेस्रो भएको गणेशबहादुर मगरको फोटो
    न्युज स्टोरी
    First News
    प्रथम भएको किरण पाण्डेको फोटो
    Second News
    दोस्रो भएको विजय राईको फोटो
    Third News
    तेस्रो भएको नभेष चित्रकारको फोटो
    नेचर एन्ड वाइल्ड लाइफ
    First Nature--Wildlife
    प्रथम भएको विकास द्वारेको फोटो
    Second Nature--Wildlife
    दोस्रो भएको सुरेशकुमार राईको फोटो
    Third Nature--Wildlife
    तेस्रो भएको सन्तोष मानन्धरको फोटो
    कल्चर एन्ड टुरिजम
    प्रथम भएको निमेशजंग राईको फोटो
    Second Culture--Tourism
    दोस्रो भएको गोपेन राईको फोटो
    Third Culture--Tourism
    तेस्रो भएको छिमीदोर्जे लामाको फोटो
    First Sports
    प्रथम भएको मनोज पौडेलको फोटो
    Second Sports
    स्पोर्टसमा दोस्रो भएको सञ्जिवकुमार मोक्तानको फोटो
    Third Sports
    स्पोर्टसमा तेस्रो भएको अंगद ढकालको फोटो

    साभार : नागरिक News

    Customize folders with different colors in Windows

    There are many softwares available today over the internet which can Customize your Computer in an efficient manner that it looks so attractive as well as it becomes very easy to use. We always want our computer to be clean and well organized so that whenever we need to access something or need to search a particular file/folder in our computer we could find it easily.

    Also read "How to create a password protected folder using a batch script"

    As similar to that, here I am going to share a software through which you can easily assign your favorite colors to your desired folders in order to differentiate them easily and to ease of access.

    How do i Customize folders with different colors ?

    Just follow the two simple steps given below to customize your folder :

    Step 1 :

    First of all Download and install the software FolderColorizer. It is tested and 100% virus free. You can download it from here : DOWNLOAD FOLDERCOLORIZER

    Step 2 :

    Now after installing the software, simply right click on any folder which you wish to customize. Here when you right click on folder, you will see a new option in the context menu i.e. Colorize !. Now simply go to that option and one submenu will appear. Now choose any color you want to assign to this folder.
    Although it is a free software for everyone to use it but while you will use this software for the very first time , it will just ask your email id for activation of this software. But no need to worry because you wont need to confirm the activation by logging in to your e mail account. Even if you don’t wish to share your e mail id with developers of this software you can do it because product will be activated automatically once you enter any email id. So you can also enter any fake id if you want.
    For your convenience I am providing you a screenshot of above mentioned procedure for changing folder color :

    In this way you will be able to easily organize folders in any of your drive weather C: , D: or any other drive. You can also assign different colors to several folders in the same drive to give it more attractive and cool looks.

    What are cooking in your kitchen vegetable or poison? (Must Watch)

    What are cooking in your kitchen vegetable or poison? Do you know how much pesticide is using in your vegetables? Have you ever thought about the pesticides used in crops.What are the short & long effects by them ? Pesticides are the insecticides designed to control herbicides and fungicides on crops and animals.

    Pesticide exposure can have chronic and acute impacts on human as well as livestock health. The misuse of pesticide indirectly  linked to human health effects such as immune-suppression, skin irritation, reproductive abnormalities,hormone disruption,muscular twitching, immune-suppression, diminished intelligence,respiratory discomfort,  and cancer.

    The main cause behind the use of the pesticide is the ignorance of farmers, They have wide belief that doesn't harm's for the human. They are using the pesticide as medicine for their plants. They have lack of education about of pesticides which is also the main reason for the inappropriate use of chemicals.  
    Farmers need to know and follow the instruction printed on the pesticide label. Farmers must be taught about the way of using pests and their long and short environmental effects. Only the cooperation with farmers and the government we can make Organic Nepal.

    Nepal is predominantly an agricultural country. About 90% of the people are still engaged in Nepal. Farming is still a way for economic growth in ruler areas. Like Nepal many developing countries the major problem in increment of chemical pesticide users. Although the some of farmers know pesticide effects soil water and environmental issue and also residue in the quantity of crops they are using it as medicine. The too much uses of the pesticide have long term effect in human health. The uses of chemical pesticide is not monitored in Nepal. 
    The government should take responsibility for  guidelines, distribution,standards, manufacture, formulate and recommendations for pesticide management. So that can minimize the recent problem. The misuse of pesticide in the agricultural sector seems a long term effect in Nepal. The lack of national law to regulate pesticides also provides the challenges to control over that. Government must policies and programs on pesticide. Think a healthy world for all.Promote organic foods and Protect the humanity and the environment from pesticides.

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