Login to your Facebook Account

Before changing any security related to your Facebook, you first need to sign in to Facebook with valid username and password.
Click On Messages

On your left hand panel top, you can see “Messages” option, just click on that to change privacy setting for messages.
Click on Others

After clicking on “messages”, you will found 2 options namely “Inbox” and “Other”, choose “other” as shown above
Click ‘Edit Preferences’

Select blue color link as shown named “Edit preferences” to go further with disabling message option for non facebook friends.
Strict Filtering

In next window, you will found checkbox for “Basic filtering”, which is default option and if you select this option, you may get messages from people in your friendlist and non friends but who are somehow connected to you (people You may Know), while other option named “Strict Filtering” will give you messages only from friends and all other messages will go to “others” message folder and won’t disturb you at all. You can view those messages at your convenience.
So, I hope this tutorial would have cleared your doubt on Facebook security related to “messages” and you could have learned how to enable and disable Facebook message privacy for friends and non friends.Before changing any security related to your Facebook, you first need to sign in to Facebook with valid username and password.
Click On Messages
On your left hand panel top, you can see “Messages” option, just click on that to change privacy setting for messages.
Click on Others
After clicking on “messages”, you will found 2 options namely “Inbox” and “Other”, choose “other” as shown above
Click ‘Edit Preferences’
Select blue color link as shown named “Edit preferences” to go further with disabling message option for non facebook friends.
Strict Filtering
In next window, you will found checkbox for “Basic filtering”, which is default option and if you select this option, you may get messages from people in your friendlist and non friends but who are somehow connected to you (people You may Know), while other option named “Strict Filtering” will give you messages only from friends and all other messages will go to “others” message folder and won’t disturb you at all. You can view those messages at your convenience.
Ideally speaking, you should keep default option ON which is “Basic filtering” for Facebook message filtering preferences, because if some of your friend wants to contact you through message but he/she is not there in your friend list, you may loose his/her message by setting up “strict Filtering” and sometime this could create a major problem for you.
Anyways, share this article with your Facebook friends if you really find this interesting and informative in terms of learning disable Facebook messages for non friends or Facebook security for messages.