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"The Alchemist" By Paulo Coelhlo (Free Audio Books in English Version )

The Alchemist is a Novel by world famous writer "Paulo coelho" first published in the year  1988. Originally written in portugues language by its Brazilian-born author, it has been translated in to at least 56 languages as of September 2012 .According to AFP, it has sold more than 65 million copies in 56 different languages, becoming one of the best-selling books in history and setting the Guinness World Record for most translated book by a living author

See also :-  Free Audio Book Collection

४३ बर्ष पुरानो बिमान दुर्घटना, ३० साल मा अपहरण मा परेको बिमान यहिँ थियो

आज दिउसो तेस्तै १२ / १२.३०  बजे को थियो । बाटो मा हिड्दै मोबाईल मा फेसबुक चलाउदै थिए Newsfeed हेर्दै जादा " नेपाल बायु सेवा निगम" को बिमान सम्पर्क बिहिन ... भन्ने heading मा एउटा sharing समाचार देखें र पढ्न थाले तर सम्पूर्ण विवरण थिएन । घरमा  बेलका फर्कने बित्तिकै यसको बारे थपजानकारी पाउन इन्टरनेट  मा search गर्न थालें ।आज हराएको बिमान काठमाडौँ बाट पोखरा हुँदै जुम्ला को दुरी तय गरिरहेको बिमान पोखरा बाट जुम्ला उड्दै गर्दा सम्पर्क बिहिन भयो। जुन बिमान अर्घाखाँची को खिदिम मा दुर्घटना भएको आशंका  मा खोजि  थियो तर फेला परेको थिएन । जसमा एकबच्चा , एक बिदेशी नागरिक र तिन चालक दलका सदश्य सहित १८ जनाथिए।  हराएको जहाज ट्विनअटर 9N-ABB थियो।  searching  गर्दै गर्दा एउटा अचम्म को कुरा "ेपाल साप्ताहिक "(Online ) मा प्रकाशित लेख अनुसार ेपालि कांग्रेसले सशस्त्र संघर्षका  क्रम मा बिराटनगर बाट  उडदा  अपहरण  गरेको  बिमान उअहि थियो ।  २०३० साल जेठ २८ गते , अपहरण गर्ने योजना मा शुशिल कोइराला  पनि संलग्न थिए जो आज का प्रधानमन्त्रि छन्।
यहिहो पहरण मा परेको बिमान
यस भन्दा अघि यहिँ बिमान २०४९ साल असार २१ गते जुम्लामै सामान्य दुर्घटनामा परेको थियो। कस्तो संयोग त्यो दिन पनि आइतबारै थियो
त्यस्तै २०३० साल जेठ २८ गते नेपाली कांग्रेसले अपहरण गरेको विमान यही थियो। यस सम्बन्धमा श्रीदेव वैद्यको संस्मरण नेपाल म्यागेजिनमा छापिएको छ यी तल पढ्नुहोस -

 िमान अपहरण का सत्ताईस मिनेट           

   वि सं २०३० जेठ २८ गते बिहान सवा ७ बजे तत्कालीन शाही नेपाल वायुसेवा निगमको ९-एनएबीबी ट्वीनअटर विमान काठमाडौँबाट विराटनगरका लागि उड्यो । विमानमा आरके मानन्धर क्याप्टेन, म को-क्याप्टेन र जीबी राई सहयोगी थिए । एक घन्टाको उडानपछि सवा ८ बजे हामी विराटनगर पुग्यौँ । १५ मिनेटपछि काठमाडौँ उड्ने कार्यक्रम थियो ।

म ककपिटमै बसिरहेको थिएँ । दुई जना यात्रु जहाजमा चढे । एउटाले कालो ओभरकोट लगाएको थियो र हातमा पहेँलो कागजले बेरेको एक्सरे प्लेट बोकेको थियो । उनीहरू कहाँ बस्ने भनेर सल्लाह गर्दै थिए । मलाई लाग्यो, कस्ता रहेछन्, जहाँ बसे पनि त हुन्छ नि !

उनीहरू सरासर मेरो पछाडिको सिटमा आएर बसे । विराटनगरबाट काठमाडौँका लागि विमान उडेको करबि पाँच मिनेटपछि जहाज छ हजार फिटको उचाइमा थियो । काठमाडौँतिर मोडिएपछि विराटनगर स्टेसनलाई सम्पर्क गरेर 'गुड नाइट' भनेपछि पि|mक्वेन्सी अफ गरयिो अनि काठमाडौँका लागि सेट गरयिो । ठीक त्यहीबेला झर्‍याप्प दुई जना मानिस आए । म कन्ट्रोलमा थिएँ । एउटाले मलाई समायो र अर्काले कञ्चटमा रभिल्वर तेस्र्याउँदै भन्यो, "बुझ्नु भो, हाइज्याक भनेको यही हो ।" हत्तपत्त मेरो हात कञ्चटमा तेस्र्याएको रभिल्वरतिर गयो । "के मजाक गरेको यो ?" मैले वाक्य पूरा गर्न पनि पाएको थिइनँ उसले भन्यो, "मेरो मतलब बुझ्नु भएन ! हामी कांग्रेसका कार्यकर्ता हौँ । हाम्रो नाममा वारेन्ट छ । तिम्रो राजाले हामीलाई धेरै सतायो । काठमाडौँ जाने बित्तिकै समाउँछ । त्यसैले हामीलाई यतै कतै ओराली देऊ ।"

त्यसपछि मैले कन्ट्रोलको जिम्मा क्याप्टेनलाई दिएँ, 'लेभल आउट' गरेँ, ता कि विमान त्यसभन्दा माथि नजाओस् । उनीहरूले विमान भारततर्फ लैजान भने । नजिकै भारतको वीरपुर एयरपोर्ट पथ्र्याे । हामीले भन्यौँ, "तिमीहरूलाई ओर्लिनु नै छ भने वीरपुरमा ओरालिदिन्छौँ ।" उनीहरूले मानेनन् । आफ्ना साथीहरू फारवेसगन्जमा भएकाले त्यतै जान भने । "कसरी जाने त ?" हाम्रो प्रश्नमा दुर्गा सुवेदीले नक्सा कोरेको एउटा कागज दिए । विराटनगर, कोसी नदी ब्यारेज अनि फारवेसगन्ज । त्यस दिशातिर यति मिनेट अनि यतातिर यति मिनेट जहाज उडाउने भनेर पनि लेखिएको थियो । 'हुन्छ' भनेर कोसी नदी 'फलो' गरेर अघि बढ्यौँ ।

विमानले कोसी ब्यारेज नाघ्यो । त्यसपछि दुर्गा सुवेदीले भने, "पूर्वतिर लैजानूस् ।" मैले केही गरी अझै दक्षिणतिर लिएर गयौँ भने त यिनीहरू हराउँछन् र फेर िपनि झुक्याएर काठमाडौँै लैजान सकिन्छ कि भन्ने कोसिस गरँे । पूर्वतिर लैजाने निर्णय गर्दागर्दै विमान चार हजार फिट तल आइपुग्यो । आकाशमा बादल थियो । बादल छल्न विमान तलमाथि गर्नु पर्‍यो । हामी चार हजार फिटभन्दा पनि तल झर्‍यौँ । घरी यता जाऊ, घर िउता जाऊ भन्छन् उनीहरू । हुँदा हँुदा हामी त दुई हजार फिट तल पुगेछौँ । जति तल गयो, त्यति टाढाको दृश्य देखिँदैन । उनीहरू धकेलेर यता जाऊ, उता जाऊ भनेर एकदमै दबाब दिन थाले । अति भएपछि मैले भनेँ, "ठीक छ तिमीहरूलाई विश्वास छैन भने म सिट छोडिदिन्छु आएर बस ।" तर, उनीहरूको व्यवहार भने राम्रै थियो ।

नक्सा मागेर हेरेँ । फर्किने ठाउँको निहँु बनाएर उनीहरूले दिएको नक्सा कसै गरी शाही नेपाल वायुसेवा निगमलाई दिन सकिन्छ कि भन्ने लाग्यो । दुर्गाको प्लान राम्रो रहेछ । उनले भने, "तपाईं चक्कर लगाएर माथि चढ्नूस् ।" दुई हजार फिटमा रहेको जहाज चार हजार फिटमा चढेपछि उनले ऊ त्यही हो भनेर माथिबाट ठाउँ देखाइदिए । त्यसपछि त जानैपर्‍यो । हामीले खाल्डाखुल्डी हुनसक्ने तर्क गर्‍यौँ । तर, उनीहरूले त पहिले नै तयारी गरेका रहेछन् । चुना राखेर सेन्टर लाइन पनि बनाएका रहेछन् ।

ल्यान्ड गरेपछि छेउमै रहेको गाईको बथानको बीचबाट एउटा जिप निस्िकयो र सीधै हामीतिर आयो । जिपबाट 'रोक्नूस्' भनेर जोडको आवाज आयो । ब्रेक जाम गरेर रोक्नुपर्‍यो । त्यसपछि जिपको ड्राइभर देखियो । जहाँसम्म मलाई लाग्छ ऊ कोइराला परविारको कुनै सदस्य हुनुपर्छ । उसले टाउको पछिल्तिर लुकायो ।

विमान रोकिएपछि ढोका खोल्न लाग्दा मात्र हामीले चाल पायौँ, अपहरणकारी त तीन जना पो रहेछन् । त्यसअघि हामीलाई दुई जना मात्र हुन् भन्ने लागेको थियो । जिपमा पाँच-सात जना मानिस थिए । बन्दुक पनि बोकेका थिए उनीहरूले । जिपमा आएका मध्ये एक जना विनोद अर्याल थिए, जसको देब्रे हातमा रभिल्वर थियो । उनीहरूले 'काम सकिने बित्तिकै इसारा गर्छौं, विमान उडाउनू, नत्र जहाज पड्काइदिन्छौँ' भने । एकको हातमा ह्यान्ड गि्रनेड थियो, अर्काको हातमा पिन नभएको गि्रनेड । अनि, दुई जनाको हातमा रभिल्वर ।

अपहरण गर्नेहरू ओर्लिएपछि विनोद अर्याल जहाजमा चढे । अगाडिपट्ट िराखिएका दुई बाकस निकाले । एउटा बाकस पछाडि पनि रहेछ । ३० लाख भारतीय रुपियाँ रहेका तीन बाकस निकालेपछि विनोदले रभिल्वर घुमाउँदै हामीलाई जान भने । फारवीसगन्जबाट हामी सीधै विराटनगरतिर उड्यौँ । हामीले आफूहरू अपहरणमा परेको, राष्ट्र ब्यांकको ३० लाख रुपियाँ लुटिएको तर यात्रुसहित हामी सुरक्षित तरकिाले पुनः विराटनगरतर्फ जाँदै गरेको जानकारी गरायौँ । त्यसबेला शानेवानिको एउटा विमान पटना जाँदै रहेछ । क्याप्टेन डीआर प्रधान थिए । उनले 'सबैतिर खबर गरििदन्छु' भने । हामी विराटनगरमा अवतरण गर्‍यौँ । अपहरणको यो घटना पूरा हुन २७ मिनेट लागेको थियो ।

 को-को छन् आज हराएको विमानमा ?
१ मानव सेजुवाल (कांग्रेस जुम्लाका सभापति)
२ गौरी कठायत (पत्रकार)
३ टेकबहादुर महतरा
४ नन्दा महतरा
५ डी महतरा
६ वर्षा हमाल न्यौपाने
७ उमा तामाङ
८ डा. विकल्प पोखरेल
९ डिपी उपाध्याय
१० राजेन्द्रप्रसाद देवकोटा
११ दीपक श्रेष्ठ
१२ डि शाही
१३ आर चौलागाईं
१४ एम म्याथिसेन (डेनमार्क)
१५ नाम नखुलेका नाबालक :( 

Relationship With electricity

Humans have an intimate relationship with electricity , to the point that it is virtually impossible to separate your life thereof . Of course , you can escape the world of crisscrossing power lines and live your life completely off the grid , but even in the most remote corners of the world , electricity exists. If it is not illuminating storm clouds overhead or crackling in a static spark at hand , then it moves through the human nervous system , the brain will animate in each band , breathing and the unth

When the same mysterious force energizes the touch of a loved one, a thunderbolt and a George Foreman grill , a curious duality follows : We take electricity for granted one second and gawk at its power another. Two centuries and a half years have passed since Benjamin Franklin and others proved lightning was a form of electricity, but it is still hard not to flinch when a particularly violent flash illuminates the horizon. On the other hand , you never waxes poetic on a cell phone charger .
Electricity powers our world and our bodies. Harnessing the power is both the field of thought and monotonous witchcraft , daily life - Emperor Palatine toasting Luke Sky walker , simply eject the "Star Wars" disk of your PC. Despite our familiarity with its effects , many people fail to understand exactly what electricity - a ubiquitous form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles such as electrons . When put to the question , even famous inventor Thomas Edison simply defined as "a mode of motion " and " a system of vibrations. "

'SUMMER LOVE' By Subin Bhattarai

"Sumer Love" Novel is a best Novel which written by "Subin Bhattarai" .  This Novel changed in audio by a popular radio program " Shrutisambeg" hosted from Radio UNN (Ujyalo 90 Network).
 Now Liston and Dwonlaod All Episode This Novel in audio.

  • Program description
  • Program Name       :  Shrutisambeg
    Hosted from           :  Ujyaalo 90 Network
    RJ                          : Achyut Ghimire

  • Book description
  • Book Title              :  Summer Love(Nepali Novel)
    Author                    : Subin Bhattarai
    Publisher                 :  Fine Print
    Publish Date            : 2011
    Language                 : Nepali

    Episode 1 (2070-10-24/2014-02-07Friday)

    Episode 2 (2070-11-02/2014-02-14 Friday)

    Episode 3 (2070-11-09/2014-02-21 Friday)

    Episode 4 (2070-11-16/2014-02-28 Friday)

    Episode 5 (2070-11-23/2014-03-07 Friday)

    Episode 6 (2070-11-30/2014-03-14 Friday)

    Episode 7 (2070-12-07/2014-03-21 Friday)


    Episode 8 (2070-12-14/2014-03-28 Friday)

    Episode 9 (2070-12-21/2014-04-04 Friday)

    Episode 10 (2070-12-28/2014-04-11 Friday)

    Last Episode 11 (2071-01-05/2014-04-18 Friday)

    Final Episode 12 (Interview with Subin Bhattarai) (2071-01-12/2014-04-25 Friday)

    Note:- For the Download >> Right Click on Download link >> click on "Save link As..."

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    Download Permitted by RJ Achyut Ghimire

    "Jhola" By Krishna Dharabasi (Free Audio Novel)

    "Jhola" Novel which written by "Krishna Dharabasi" Jhola can be considered as the story rather than the novel. Jhola is all about the eternal connection of love between mother and son. Krishna Dharabasi has defined the details of the Sati Pratha on the story Jhola. This is the Heart touching story. If you really love your mother then the Novel will make your eyes watery.  

  • Program description
  • Program Name       :  Radio Bachan
    Hosted from           :  Radio HBC 94. FM
    RJ                          :  Achyut Ghimire

  • Book description
  • Book Title               :  Jhola (Nepali Novel)
    Author                     :  Krishna Dharabasi
    Language                 : Nepali

    Now listen Jhola In Audio .

    Who are the most richest people in Nepal??

    Who are the most richest people in Nepal? 
    There is no clear answer to the question because there is no any private and govermental body who keeps an account of the income and property of any Nepalese citizens. Recently, Binod Chaudhary from Nepal had been listed in Forbes magazine as a billionire. According to the record of Forbes it could be clearly analysed that Binod Chaudhary is the most richest person of Nepal. I want to list out some rich people who are among the richest person in Nepal depending upon some facts and rumors.

    Binod Chaudhary

    binod-chaudhary-richest person of nepalThere is no dout that Binod Chaudhary is the richest person of Nepal, as he is the one and only Forbes listed billionire from Nepal. Chaudhary family started their business in 1935 with a shop in front of today’s Bishal Bazar in a rent paying Rs. 200 per year. Now, Chaudhary family owns multinational companies with base in different countries like Singapore, India, Dubai etc. Chaudhary Group owns Wai Wai instant noodles brand which is sold in different countries, majority of shares on Nabil Bank which is largest commercial bank of Nepal, Real Estate business in Dubai, some shares on international hotels Network Taj Hotels.


    Upendra Mahato

    Upendra Mahato, A russian based business tycoon is often called the most richest person of Nepal. Once a famous Nepali blog had mentioned Upendra Mahato as a most richest person of Nepal but doesen’t want to be in a limelight. He had invested in different business in different countries that includes Europe, Africa, Asia and Nepal. He owns a remarkable valuation of shares on the most profit making company of Nepal, NCell and majority of shares on Sanima Bank. It is heard that he has property on Belarus and Russia worth billions of dollars.



    Jiwa Lamichane

    Although Jiwa Lamichane is heard more as a president of Non-Residential Nepalese rather than his businesses, he is also among the richest person in Nepal. He is business partner of Upendra Mahato and had invested combinedly in different business from Russia to Nepal.




    Ajaya Sumargi

    Ajaya Sumargi is often heard on the news being close to the powerful politicians and mostly with Pushpa Kamal Dahal “Prachanda”. He is known as a very clever businessman who knows to utilize different people in his favour and make a huge business profit out of it. It is heard that he left his hometown Hetauda with NRs. 500 lending with his friend and now he owns few helicopters for his personal travel. Ajaya Sumargi owns Hello mobile company, almost a half a dozen of business complexes in middle of different cities, 154 ana land in the heart of Kathmandu which he had purchased from Kantipur Group and many more.



    Pashupati Samsher Rana

    pashupati shumsher budo_20120409014004
    Few decades ago Pashupati Samsher Rana was termed as most richest person of nepal and was often called the person who is much more richer than the king of Nepal. He owns 16 ropani of land in front Teaching Hospital where he lives currently lives, Nepal Gas comapny and many more. In an interview he had said that his wife princess of ancient Indian kingdom brought NRS. 2500 million of dowry some decades ago which could be value up to NRS. 25000 million in today’s date.
    These are the top five richest people of Nepal listed depending upon facts and little rumour.
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    Source - Digital Patra

    Bikes used on Dhoom 3 by Amir Khan and Uday Chopra

    Dhoom movies are full of action, glamour and stunts. Now, the third sequel of the movie Dhoom is soon going to release in the 20th of Dec. The movie features Abishek Bachhan and Uday Chopra as two policemen as usual and newcomers Amir Khan and Katrina Kaif as thieves. Dhoom is famous for superbikes and stunts as it is for glamour and action. Superbikes are used by negative characters to run after robbery and used by positive characters to chase the thief and as usual stunts are on the way.

    Amir Khan riding a bike modified for shooting in sets of Dhoom 3 in Chicago, USA

    This is the bike used by Amir Khan in Dhoom 3. German made BMW K1300R is 6-speed manual gears bike with 4- valve per cyclinders. BMW K1300R has bridge type chasis, liquid cooling and 4-stroke 1293CC engine. With all these features and power it is a light wieght bike with 228 kg. In short BMW K1300R is a perfect bike for the superbike lovers.
    And how come the police man Uday Chopra chase Amir Khan with without a super bike. Uday Chopra uses BMW S1000RR to chase BMW K1300R in the movie Dhoom 3.
    Dhoom 3 bike used by Uday Chopra
    BMW S1000RR is yet another product of BMW initially designed for Motorrad to compete in the 2009 Superbike World Championship. Now it has gone into commercial production and is a wordclass superbike.  BMW S1000RR is powered by a 999 cc  engine.

    Just for Entertainment .. Copied from Digital patra 

    Top 10 Richest People in the World

    The number of billionaires across the world has risen from 1,226 in 2012 to 1,426 this year, with the US topping the list with 442, followed by Asia-Pacific (386), Europe (366), the Americas (129) and the Middle East & Africa (103),according to Forbes magazine.
    Carlos Slim Helu from Mexico is the richest man in the world, followed by Bill Gates, Amancio Ortega and Warren Buffett. Charles Koch, David Koch and Liliane Bettencourt and family making it to the top 10. Eike Batista, Stefan Persson and Karl Albrecht lost their positions in this list.
    Here is Forbes' list of the 10 richest people in the world:
    1)      Carlos Slim Helu: The Mexican telecom mogul is the richest man in the world with a net worth of $73 billion, which is $4 billion up from 2012. He has retained the top spot for the fourth consecutive year.

    Carlos Slim Helu
    Carlos Slim Helu
    2)      Bill Gates: The co-founder of Microsoft comes second with net worth of $67 billion, which is $6 billion more than what he earned in 2012. He has gained from investments like Ecolab, Republic Services and FEMSA.
    Bill Gates
    Bill Gates
      3)      Amancio Ortega: He jumped two places, overtaking Warren Buffett and Bernard Arnault, to become the world's third richest man. His net worth is $57 billion, $19.5 billion up from his 2012's $37.5 billion. He holds 60 percent share of clothing retailer Inditex.
      Amancio Ortega
      Amancio Ortega
      4)      Warren Buffett: He has slipped from third place in 2012 to fourth place in the list of world's richest people. The chairman and CEO of Berkshire has a net worth of $53.5 billion, as against $46 billion in 2012.
      Warren Buffett
      Warren Buffett
      5)      Larry Ellison: The CEO of Oracle is the fifth richest with $43 billion. He was in the sixth place last year with a fortune of $36 billion. He has also ventured into real estate and aviation.
      Larry Ellison
      Larry Ellison
      6)      Charles Koch: He has made it to the top 10 list, overtaking the likes of Eike Batista, Stefan Persson and Karl Albrecht. His net worth is $34 billion. He and his brother David hold 80 percent of Koch Industries.
      Charles Koch
      Charles Koch
      7)      David Koch: His net worth is $34 billion. He and his brother Charles 80 percent of Koch Industries. The Koch brothers' net worth was up by nine percent each this year.
      David Koch
      David Koch
      8)      Li Ka-shing: He is Asia's richest person with net worth of $31 billion. The chairman of Hutchison Whampoa Limited was world's ninth richest man in 2012. His wealth increased by $5.5 billion in 2013.
      Li Ka-shing
      Li Ka-shing
      9)      Liliane Bettencourt and family: The 90-year-old L'Oreal heiress has a net worth of $30 billion, up $6 billion this year after shares of the cosmetic firm surged this year.
      Liliane Bettencourt
      Liliane Bettencourt
      10)  Bernard Arnault: The 63-year-old man from France, who is the Chairman of Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy, slipped from fourth to 10th place. His net worth fell from $41 billion in 2012 to $29 billion in 2013.
      Bernard Arnault
      Bernard Arnault

      Nepali Calender

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      (Shrutisambeg Story - Audio 2014-01-31)

      "Shrutisambeg" is a No.1 popular Audio Nepali Novel & Story Program on radio programs, which Hosted From UNN ( Ujyalo Nintey Network ) With RJ. Achyut Ghimire .

      Program         - ShrutiSambeg (Short Story)
      Handled by     - Achyut Ghimire , Dinesh niraulaa
      Hosted from   - Ujyalo 90 Netwrk
      Date                -  2014-01-31 Friday  

      Now Listen & download "Shritisambeg (Story)" Program on Online . 
      Shrutisambeg ( Short Story) - 2014-01-31

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      Program - ShritiSambeg 

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