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Relationship With electricity

Humans have an intimate relationship with electricity , to the point that it is virtually impossible to separate your life thereof . Of course , you can escape the world of crisscrossing power lines and live your life completely off the grid , but even in the most remote corners of the world , electricity exists. If it is not illuminating storm clouds overhead or crackling in a static spark at hand , then it moves through the human nervous system , the brain will animate in each band , breathing and the unth

When the same mysterious force energizes the touch of a loved one, a thunderbolt and a George Foreman grill , a curious duality follows : We take electricity for granted one second and gawk at its power another. Two centuries and a half years have passed since Benjamin Franklin and others proved lightning was a form of electricity, but it is still hard not to flinch when a particularly violent flash illuminates the horizon. On the other hand , you never waxes poetic on a cell phone charger .
Electricity powers our world and our bodies. Harnessing the power is both the field of thought and monotonous witchcraft , daily life - Emperor Palatine toasting Luke Sky walker , simply eject the "Star Wars" disk of your PC. Despite our familiarity with its effects , many people fail to understand exactly what electricity - a ubiquitous form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles such as electrons . When put to the question , even famous inventor Thomas Edison simply defined as "a mode of motion " and " a system of vibrations. "